Results: Displaying 10 of 52 on page 3 of 6
Position of the condyle to the cone beam computed tomography in adults with open...
Evaluation of Condylar position in the articular fossae in children with unilateral...
Study of oclusal contacts in maximum intercuspidation before orthodontic treatment...
Tomographic study in the region of the infrazigomatic crest in different facial types...
The relation between the projection of the lower third of the face and the region...
Evaluation of the tensions distributions, using the finite element analysis, in an...
Comparative evaluation of cephalometric dentoskeletal effects resulting from treatment...
Tomographic study of the facial soft tissue measures at rest and wide smile and their...
Analysis of force decay of intermaxillary orthodontic elastics
Evaluation of the craniofacial morphology of subjects with dentofacial Class III...
Results: Displaying 10 of 52 on page 3 of 6