Processes and Communication Disorders
Results: Displaying 10 of 305 on page 11 of 31
A proposal for telerehabilitation of women with chronic musculoskeletal dysfunct...
Efficiency of orofacial myofunctional intervention to mitigate signs of facial a...
Speech-language pathology actions at school: phonological awareness program in the...
Phonological remediation associated with reading and writing strategies in students...
Supraglottic characteristics of the elderly: relations with the swallowing funct...
Masticatory function, nutritional status and oral health in individuals after treatment...
Expansion and content validation of the administration manual for the MBGR proto...
Speech-language intervention in the oral narrative of children in late talking c...
Physiology of postural and swallowing maneuvers in a 3D graphic material: production...
Results: Displaying 10 of 305 on page 11 of 31