Processes and Communication Disorders
Results: Displaying 10 of 305 on page 28 of 31
Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Verbal Dyspraxia Profile into the...
Effectiveness of a myofunctional therapy program in the treatment of mouth breathing...
Respiratory function characteristics in subjects with dentofacial deformities
Adjunctive electromyographic biofeedback in the treatment of oropharyngeal dysphagia...
Applicability of SARDA (Hearing Disorders Rehabilitation Auxiliary Software) in children...
The use of low level laser in individuals with tinnitus and without hearing loss
Elaboration and application of a phonological decoding intervention program in children...
Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Protocolo de Avaliação Miofuncional...
Cross-cultural adaptation of the ''Tinnitus Research Screening Questionnaire (ESIT-SQ)''...
Virtual inclusion or real of hearing loss students during coronavirus pandemic: a...
Results: Displaying 10 of 305 on page 28 of 31