Processes and Communication Disorders
Results: Displaying 10 of 304 on page 29 of 31
Youth Doctor project on awareness of the practice of physical activities and healthy...
Effectiveness of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) in voice therapy...
Impact of respiratory and vocal characteristics in the quality of life of elderl...
Audiological profile of military police exposed to environmental noise
Phrases in Noise Test (PINT) Brazil: interpretation of normative data
Use of technology-based simulation in the teaching of facial analysis in speech-language...
Self-regulation strategies and social skills during the covid-19 pandemic
Virtual apprenticeship environment in acquisition and development of the childlike...
Praxis-productive intervention program for children with phonological disorder
Facial aesthetics and orofacial functions in individuals with dentofacial deform...
Results: Displaying 10 of 304 on page 29 of 31