Processes and Communication Disorders
Results: Displaying 10 of 304 on page 30 of 31
Adolescents resistance to the use of the FM system in a public hearing health service:...
Quality of mother-infant interaction and the impact on child development skills of...
Laryngeal and swallowing characteristics in patients affected by stroke
Social skills training with university students of speech therapy area: content ...
Development of cortical auditory responses and speech perception in children with...
P1 cortical auditory evoked potential in the first months of cochlear implant use...
Teaching of the auditory-perceptual assessment of voice through virtual learning...
Periodized vocal training with sound tongue trills technique in women with vocal...
Influence of systemic hydration on choristers voices whilst warmed and unwarmed
Assessment of speech perception with competitive noise in children with sensorineural...
Results: Displaying 10 of 304 on page 30 of 31