Speech Language Pathology and Audiology
Results: Displaying 10 of 51 on page 5 of 6
Velopharyngeal function with and without speech bulb after palatoplasty
SAAAT Computerized in seven-years-old children with cleft lip and palate: comparative...
Hearing health at the dentistry young adults: knowledge and audiological profile
Abilities of the communicative behavior of children with phenylketonuria treated...
Nasalance measures in children with cleft lip and palate and its correlation with...
Velopharyngeal activity after use of speech bulb
Abilities of attention and phonological working memory in individuals with Velocardiofacial...
Telefonoaudiologia: desenvolvimento e avaliação do CDROM "Procedimentos Terapêuticos...
Characteristics of swallowing in elderly individuals submitted to different strategies...
Hearing system maturation in normally hearing children: long latency auditory evoked...
Results: Displaying 10 of 51 on page 5 of 6