Production Engineering
Results: Displaying 10 of 462 on page 9 of 47
Living experience between comfort and discomfort in an aircraft cabin: an approach...
Agent based models on the solution of economic problems under Imperfect competit...
Strategy and structure in urban mobility companies: the case of the Traffic Management...
Workload and capacity variation in production scheduling: results in idle time and...
Beam Search and idle time insertion in the single-machine scheduling problem in a...
Proposal of a methodology for measuring and prioritization access security for WEB...
Ambidexterity in Software Development Companies: Barriers to Adoption of agile methodologies...
Adoption, selection and implementation of free ERP
A study about the non conformities on medice manufacturing: a transaction costs economics...
Transaction costs concept use on suppliers selection to pharmaceutical area indu...
Results: Displaying 10 of 462 on page 9 of 47