Chemical Engineering
Results: Displaying 10 of 662 on page 59 of 67
Study of tribological and corrosion behavior in (TiCr)CN and TiCN PVD coatings for...
Study of the deacetylation of chitosan and the obtaining of its nanoparticles for...
Evaluation of bis-silane based pretreatments on carbon and galvanized steel used...
Performance of a solar energy powered falling film evaporator with film promoter
Comparative study of triacetin production processes from glycerol esterification
IHMPC control of an industrial diesel hydrotreating process
Evaluation of eco-efficiency assessment methods
Continuous processing of mango purée (Mangifera indica Linn.), variety Palmer
Batch processing of mango puree, Haden variety: study of the viability of ready-to-serve...
Comparison of environmental performance of B5 soybean ethyl ester and diesel oil...
Results: Displaying 10 of 662 on page 59 of 67