Hydraulic Engineering
Results: Displaying 10 of 229 on page 1 of 23
Behavior of deep bed rapid filters treating public water supplies through the use...
Intervenient factors in struvite crystallization for phosphorus recovery from se...
Integration of a water quantity mathematical net-flux model (ACQUANET) with a water...
Evaluation of throwing sludge generated on a treatment water station with an upflow...
Water conservation and reuse in domestics industry: case study of natura cosméti...
Physico-chemical treatment of landfill leachate from pre-treated by aerobic biological...
Hidrossedimentology characterization of the access chanel of Maranhão harbour ar...
Proposal of an index for assessment of conformity of quality of water bodies to the...
Spillway and draining under floodgates
Analysis of the silting process in urban detention reservoirs for floating debri...
Results: Displaying 10 of 229 on page 1 of 23