Analytical Chemistry
Results: Displaying 10 of 100 on page 6 of 10
Introduction of electrospray ionization mass spectrometry technique for determination...
Comparative evaluation of strategies for increased sensitivity in capillary elec...
Determination of mercury in environmental samples by atomic absorption spectrometry...
Study of reduction of cobalt(II) in sodium azide aqueous medium by pulse polarog...
On the interaction between azide and manganese ions at several oxidation states
The potentiometric study of complex formation in the manganese (II)/azide system
Separated electrodes piezelectric quartz crystal devices for studies ogf physical...
Studies on the reaction between azide ions and metal cations in aqueous media
Methodological basis for approach the occupational exposure to benzene
Analytic use of the reactioncopper(II)-azide, equilibrium and thermodynamic data
Results: Displaying 10 of 100 on page 6 of 10