Clinical Psychology
Results: Displaying 10 of 585 on page 46 of 59
Elaborations of the second theory of the psychic apparatus: Contributions of the...
Efficacy of an acceptance-based group behavioral therapy for generalized anxiety...
Discourses of post-lacanian diagnosis: from psychiatric foundations to theses about...
Embodied meeting: a study about body through a dialogue between Contact Improvisation...
Images in the junguian clinical context: an interlocution between theory and pra...
A study about the archetypes in HIV carriers' dreams
Psycho-Oncology: a study of patients after completion of cancer treatment
Egalitarian parental care repercussions on the construction of a triadic father-mother-baby...
A new father, new functions? Regards on father-baby relation in absolute dependence...
Not informed by the author
Results: Displaying 10 of 585 on page 46 of 59