Clinical Psychology
Results: Displaying 10 of 585 on page 50 of 59
Rules for the Lacanian Zoo, contraintes of analytical discourse
Violence practiced by mothers: a comprehensive study
Not informed by the author
Through the beating of rap music, between the lines of the verses: a winnicottian...
Exploring the body image of children with congenital physical disabilities: limits,...
Understanding the emotional experience of maternity in mothers of babies with di...
Are two heads better than one? A psychoanalytic case-study on the joint consultation...
Munchhausen Syndrome by Proxy and the Pediatrician: Contributions of Psychoanaly...
Myself photographed: the narratives of the self in times of selfies
Enuresis project: adhesion and effectiveness in alarm treatment
Results: Displaying 10 of 585 on page 50 of 59