State, Society and Education
Results: Displaying 10 of 42 on page 1 of 5
Public schools between diktats and resistances: the Inova Educação program in the...
External assessment and teacher education in educational assessment
Graded school: history, characteristics, problematizations and the alternative of...
The integrated secondary education at the Federal Institute of São Paulo: diagnosis...
Discussion on quality in education: an analysis of the educational policies general...
The evaluation policy of the state of Ceará from 2009 to 2018: interfaces with federal...
State and public action in Angolan education
Own source as additional financial resources fact or illusion? An analysis of the...
Elementary Education in Brazilian municipalities: possible relationships between...
Educational evaluation policy, its contours and characteristics: problematizations...
Results: Displaying 10 of 42 on page 1 of 5