Public Health
Results: Displaying 10 of 129 on page 7 of 13
Work characteristics and professors' mental health of a public university: mixed-methods...
Childhood vaccine hesitancy and social differentiation: an intersectional approach...
Supplementary health judicialization and regulation: effects of ANS rules on judicial...
Powers of hunger, powers of life: a cartography of the food practices expressed on...
Children's exposure to pesticides in Brazil: scope review
Is automatic blood pressure measurement accurate and valid in the pediatric population...
Does socioeconomic status modify the effect of air pollution on health outcomes?
Potentials and weaknesses of the game No Lugar Dela in the ongoing education of primary...
Housing conditions in Brazilian psychiatric reform's context: studying a questionnaire...
Influence of health culture in the workplace on the adoption of evidence-based p...
Results: Displaying 10 of 129 on page 7 of 13