Obstetrics and Gynecology
Results: Displaying 10 of 355 on page 5 of 36
Three-dimensional power Doppler evaluation in fetuses with urinary tract dilatation:...
Sonographic biometry of fetal thyroid gland: nomograms
Ovarian stimulation protocols synchronized with follicular wave emergence for in...
Physiotherapy intervention during labor
Hopelessness and depression in women with abortion diagnosis
Two-dimensional and three-dimensional transvaginal ultrasound evaluation of pregnant...
Evaluation of factors related to invasion, cell migration and malignant transformation...
Induced abortion: experience and meaning. A study based on phenomenology
Genic expression of uterine leiomyoma in women during the reproductive age after...
Obstetrical and clinical factors related to the mode of delivery in pregnant women...
Results: Displaying 10 of 355 on page 5 of 36