Musculoskeletal System Sciences
Results: Displaying 10 of 127 on page 8 of 13
Quantification of thalidomide in plasma and dried plasma device by high-performance...
PARQVE III - Arthrosis Project Recovering Quality of Life through Education: study...
Effects of exercise training on skeletal muscle lipid content and insulin resistance...
Effects of different types of carbohydrates during exercise on performance and metabolic...
Elaboration and application of stratification scale of priority to surgery in adolescent...
Comparison of tibial tunnel positioning in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction...
Characterization of patients with dermatomyositis according to the anti-MDA-5 autoantibody...
Impact of depressive syndrome and its treatment on the prevalence of falls in elderly...
Lower subscapular nerve transfer to the teres minor motor branch: an anatomical ...
Evaluation of the glenoid track in the shoulder
Results: Displaying 10 of 127 on page 8 of 13