Results: Displaying 10 of 445 on page 4 of 45
Genetic-Clinical study of skeletal dysplasias, with a focus on osteochondrodysplasias...
Influence of acute and subchronic exposures to air pollutants on severe acute respiratory...
Tolerance of baked milk in patients with cow's milk allergy mediated by immunoglobulin...
Influence of intrauterine growth restriction and perinatal asphyxia on serum magnesium...
Utilization of the new Berlin definition for the diagnosis of acute respiratory distress...
Referred morbidity prevalence: its conditionings in children aged 5 to 9 years from...
Leptin role in the metabolism of children and adolescents with craniopharyngioma
Detection of lisosomal acid lipase deficiency in patients submitted to liver tra...
Analysis of the influence of the daycare enrollment timing on child development at...
Graft thrombosis pos kidney transplantation: study of benefits and risks of thro...
Results: Displaying 10 of 445 on page 4 of 45