Results: Displaying 10 of 445 on page 44 of 45
Concentrations of inflammatory mediators in children less than three months of age...
Evaluation of concentration of antibody against the serotypes 4, 6B, 9V, 14, 18C,...
Critical analysis of chronic peritoneal dialysis prescription in pediatric patie...
Hematological and iron content evolution in term and late pre-term newborns, with...
Clinical applicability of the next generation sequencing technique with a focus on...
Evaluation of the physical growth of insufficient birth weight children, from birth...
Assessment of mineral density and bone microarchitecture in adolescents with persistent...
Perceptions of caregivers of patients with cow's milk allergy regarding the trea...
Study of the pneumococcal pneumonia of the childrens hospitalized in the pediatrics...
Biomolecular effects of jb-1 (an igf-1 peptide analog) in a Rat model of oxygen-induced...
Results: Displaying 10 of 445 on page 44 of 45