Infection and Immune Processes
Results: Displaying 10 of 98 on page 8 of 10
Reduced seroprotection after pandemic A/H1N1 influenza adjuvant-free vaccination...
Effects of different strength exercises with preferred or prescribed intensity on...
Verification of the presence of autonomic impairment and chronotropic incompetence...
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the brazilian-portuguese version of the...
Adipocytokines in primary antiphospholipid syndrome: potential markers of inflammation,...
Effects of resistance training associated with partial blood flow restriction on...
Noninvasive evaluation of structural properties of large arteries in patients with...
Low sclerostin levels: a predictive marker of persistent inflammation in ankylosing...
Acute effects of aerobic exercise on renal function in non-dialysis chronic kidney...
Peripheral neuropathy in patients with primary antiphospholipid (Hughes') syndro...
Results: Displaying 10 of 98 on page 8 of 10