Rehabilitation Sciences
Results: Displaying 10 of 348 on page 27 of 35
Global functionality, swallowing and communication of elderly people with advanced...
Elastic tape reduces dyspnea and improves health status, and the health-related quality...
Effect of respiratory muscle stretching with the techniques of passive stretching...
Techinique of massage and mobilization during immersion for relaxation (RMI): development,...
Effects of formal auditory training on auditory function in children and adolescent...
Association between balance performance in functional tests and bidimensional kinematic...
People with physical disability, health needs and comprehensive care: analysis of...
Criterion validity, stability and applicability of an immersive virtual reality system...
Behavioral, electroacoustic and electrophysiological findings on hearing in Cornelia...
Different perspectives in the verification of pragmatic abilities of children included...
Results: Displaying 10 of 348 on page 27 of 35