Rehabilitation Sciences
Results: Displaying 10 of 348 on page 5 of 35
Efficacy of auditory training using the Programa de Escuta no Ruído (PER) software...
Undergraduate occupational therapy training and developing relational competencies:...
Activation of the inhibitory effect of auditory efferent pathway by speech stimu...
Sensory processing and motor coordination of children with and without central auditory...
Influence of diabetes progression on dynamic recruitment patterns of muscular fibers...
Voice and swallowing after supracricoid and supratracheal laryngectomy
Correlations between autism spectrum disorders and childhood apraxia of speech
Investigation of the multivectorial load distribution of the pelvic floor in different...
There are few investigations on modern resources for educational teaching ability...
Effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on angiogenesis and cell proliferation...
Results: Displaying 10 of 348 on page 5 of 35