Tropical Diseases and International Health
Results: Displaying 10 of 34 on page 3 of 4
Optimization of neolignans as pharmaceutical prototypes for visceral leishmaniasis:...
Association between the c.-318C > T and c.49A > G polymorphisms of the CTLA4 gene...
Systemic analysis of brain tissue in patients with death associated with yellow fever...
Monitoring of protozoa belonging to the Sarcocystidae family with zoonotic potential...
Identification of RHD and RHCE gene variants in patients with sickle cell anemia...
Identification of Culicidae, blood sources and viruses in single Nanopore sequencing...
Influenza vaccination in children under five in Brazil, 2000-2018: trend, seasonality...
Environmental and social factors and its relation with Aedes aegypti demographic...
The role of social media in (no) vaccination: how the social media users provide...
Landscape influence analysis in the population structure of Haemagogus (Conopostegus)...
Results: Displaying 10 of 34 on page 3 of 4