Dental Rehabilitation
Results: Displaying 10 of 306 on page 11 of 31
Influence of retromolar canal on the anesthetic block of the inferior alveolar nerve:...
Impact of cone beam tomography and professional experience in dental implant treatment...
Clinical decision in anterior resin composite restorations: a multicenter evalua...
Evaluation of the marginal and internal adaptation of lithium disilicate crowns made...
Color change and surface roughness of composite resin cleared after accelerated artificial...
Effect of tribocorrosion in dental materials
In situ effect of home bleaching and subsequent surface treatment on color and surface...
Study of CS essential oil and Formulation of mouthwash. Chemical characterization,...
Influence of in situ association of black tea and chlorhexidine on the color change...
Masseter muscle electromyography correlated with cefalometric mesures in Angle's...
Results: Displaying 10 of 306 on page 11 of 31