Dental Rehabilitation
Results: Displaying 10 of 306 on page 16 of 31
Tri-channel platform evaluation by computerized microtomography and its mechanical...
In vitro study of the use of bioactive glass ceramic in affected dentin by natural...
In vitro evaluation of cobalt-chromium alloy disinfection with alkaline peroxide...
Evaluation of the antibiofilm action of dentifrices based on essential oils on the...
In vitro biomechanical analysis of customized and not customized aesthetic zircônia...
Effects of oblique compressive load and simulated chewing cycles on internal tapered...
Dental implants and the mandibular canal: influence of metal artifact reduction in...
Clinicopathological study of the distribution of cytotoxic lymphocytes and regulatory...
Longitudinal study of the influence of action of fluoride solution on color change...
Influence of artificial accelerated aging on color stability, opacity and cross-link...
Results: Displaying 10 of 306 on page 16 of 31