Restorative Dentistry
Results: Displaying 10 of 218 on page 8 of 22
In vitro and in situ analysis of dental erosion and prevention in pacients with gastroesophageal...
Evaluation of the association effect of the Er:YAG laser irradiation with fluoride...
Influence of the drying protocol with isopropyl alcohol on the adhesion of different...
Effect of different restorative materials on root dentine erosion: an in situ /ex...
Evaluation of the cleanness of root canals walls instrumented with rotary and the...
Evaluation of enamel brushing with activated charcoal: a study of color, wear and...
Effect of radiotherapy, chemotherapy and chemoradiotherapy on root dentin after erosion,...
Bi and three-dimensional analysis of morphological alterations in mesial roots of...
Morphological study and analysis of the dentin microhardness in furcation areas of...
Comparison of physicochemical properties of an ionomer-based and two silicon-based...
Results: Displaying 10 of 218 on page 8 of 22