Results: Displaying 10 of 203 on page 3 of 21
Basic education in multiannual plans: programs and partners in State of Minas Gerais...
The constitution of the collective and the process of teacher signification
The school belongs to the principal: The management of a municipal preschool under...
Discourse and subject in argumentative movement: play and art in Portinari
The management (democratic) public school: (re) production of senses of democracy...
Rural Education and the meaning of school in the rooting and life projects of young...
Textbook for everyone: the policies of COLTED and FENAME and their participation...
Evaluation and Prticipation in Childrens Education: challenges for Management
I want to be this person! Study about affections and subjectivities in initial teacher...
Institutional spaces for formation of the university teacher: An analysis of the...
Results: Displaying 10 of 203 on page 3 of 21