Bioscience Applied to Pharmacy
Results: Displaying 10 of 247 on page 11 of 25
In vitro and in planta antimicrobial photodynamic treatment of Colletotrichum acutatum...
Studies in vitro and in vivo novel compounds: with target-specific (hnRNP K and SET)...
System of inorganic phosphate acquisition in the human pathogen fungi Aspergillus...
The role the receptor PPAR alpha in wound healing induced experimentally
Changes of iron metabolism in thalassemia
Molecular characterization of the VanA element in enterococci with incongruent genotype...
Characterization of the pathogenic potential of Yersinia enterocolitica-like str...
Neogenesis of T and B cells in patients with sickle cell disease treated with different...
Investigation of acquired resistance and molecular epidemiology in enterobacteria...
Development of a DNA microarray platform for the detection of viruses transmitted...
Results: Displaying 10 of 247 on page 11 of 25