Disorders of Human Communication
Results: Displaying 10 of 51 on page 2 of 6
School performance of children with cleft lip and palate under the teachers' points...
Comparative study of individuals submitted to audiological evaluation before and...
Perceptual, nasometric and aerodynamic speech analysis in subjects undergoing pharyngeal...
Nasal air emission: assessment with graduated mirror
Psychosocial and familiar aspects of individuals with and without communication disorders...
Internal nasal dimensions of children with unilateral cleft lip and palate assessed...
Nasal and nasopharyngeal dimensions of individuals without evidences of nasal obstruction...
Perceptual speech analysis and videofluoroscopic assessment of tongue position in...
Comparative study in children with and without cleft lip/palate: a protocol screening...
Hearing behavior of the student with a cleft lip and palate: The assessment of the...
Results: Displaying 10 of 51 on page 2 of 6