Results: Displaying 10 of 50 on page 3 of 5
Survival and incidence in head and neck cancers according to HPV-related subsite...
White and black elderly in the city of São Paulo: inequalities in social and health...
Pharmacogenetic markers based on genomic data from a cohort of elderly individuals...
Consumption of fatty acids and alcohol and its relation with lipid subfractions quantified...
Ageing and functioning: a trajectory analysis
Relationship between type of delivery and growth, body composition and child development...
Factors associated with tuberculosis in persons deprived of liberty in the provincial...
Chronical disease and pain in São Paulo City: prevalence and factors associated with...
Analysis of cardiac autonomic modulation and lung function in children residing in...
Influence of entomological and bacterial determinants in the context of malaria in...
Results: Displaying 10 of 50 on page 3 of 5