Public Health
Results: Displaying 10 of 336 on page 6 of 34
Paths and misdirections of the Accident Prevention Factor (FAP): historical analysis...
Physical activity in the Covid-19 pandemic: the experience of residents of the central...
Health effects of environmental and occupational exposure to agricultural pestic...
Frequency of Cryptococcus spp. and other yeasts with pathogenic potential in excreta...
Positive predictive value of chronic cough for the diagnosis of tuberculosis: a systematic...
Study of mosquito response (Diptera: Culicidae) to different breeding types and conditions...
Evaluation of the presence of drugs in composted biosolid from sewage treatment ...
Newborns' body mass index from low-risk pregnancies according to gestational age...
Gestational weight gain and nutritional status of pregnant women in Cruzeiro do Sul,...
Bed allocation in Intensive Care Unit: prioritization criteria
Results: Displaying 10 of 336 on page 6 of 34