Nursing in Adult Health
Results: Displaying 10 of 424 on page 38 of 43
Association between cardiovascular risk factors and vascular dementia definitive
Health related quality of life in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonar dis...
Factors regarding discharge, death and readmission into the intensive care unit
Health changes, resiliency and quality of life of nursing degree students after the...
Post-traumatic amnesia: points related and post- traumatic quality of life
Arterial hypertension prevalence, assessed through casual measurement and home blood...
Effects of educational interventions in the control of hypertensive patients accompanied...
Spiritual well-being resulting from passive listening of sacred music in bereaved...
Protective effect of the phytomedicine Vitis Vinifera L in acute kidney injury by...
The care of the nursing team in surgical positioning patient during the intraoperative...
Results: Displaying 10 of 424 on page 38 of 43