Animal Production and Quality Control
Results: Displaying 10 of 567 on page 51 of 57
Analysis of adipogenesis related genes and intramuscular fat composition in Angus...
Use of faeces as inoculum as alternative for buffalo rumen contents in the in vitro...
Sorologic evaluation of swine cysticercosis by ELISA using antigens: total extract...
Human-animal interaction on pig production
Effects of prolonged administration of low levels of fumonisin B1 in pigs: evaluation...
Feed formulation with total and digestible amino acids, different arginine:lysine...
Prediction of retail cuts yield using measurements obtained by image analysis
Reduction of energy and xylanase supplementation in diets of laying hens from 02...
Rumen metabolism and the mineral balance in water buffaloes with different levels...
Effects of the increasing levels of neutral detergent fiber in the diet on the ruminal...
Results: Displaying 10 of 567 on page 51 of 57