Management and Innovation in Animal Industry
Results: Displaying 10 of 129 on page 5 of 13
Study of courses in distance education on the theme of technical responsibility for...
The motivation of staff as a factor of success for the implementation of the HACCP...
Legislation and best practices in pesticide use: a guide for the safety of brazilian...
Overview of the energy sector and its relationship with the Brazilian agribusiness:...
Economic feasibility analysis of an aquaponics implantation in the municipality of...
Development of a sensors system for identify frauds in dairy products
Technical validation of the ORC microturbines application in a heliothermic plant...
Plan for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points in the production of extruded...
Innovation and job satisfaction: a study with food engineers
Using Hall-effect sensor for measuring the fluid flow in the production process palatability...
Results: Displaying 10 of 129 on page 5 of 13