Physics Teaching
Results: Displaying 10 of 226 on page 16 of 23
The diversity of knowledge about the sky and astronomy education: didactic proposals...
In-service training of physics teachers: contradictions and (im)possibilities of...
Models and explanations: the appropriation of scientific entities and students' use...
Contributions of CERN and Perimeter Institute to Professional Development of Brazilian...
Teachers' knowledge developed in insertion of Modern Physics in High School: a study...
Genesis and development of the relationship between Quantum Physics and mysticism...
The Education of the Citizen and The Brazilian Energy System
Outlines of the evolution and perspectives of Physics Education In Brazil
Problematizing the Teaching of Modern and Contemporary Physics in continuing education:...
The role of Physics continuing education on the teachers' relationship with experimental...
Results: Displaying 10 of 226 on page 16 of 23