Political Science
Results: Displaying 10 of 580 on page 9 of 58
Public choice theory: a critical introduction
The inter-american human rights system and transitional justice: impacts on Brazil,...
The democratization process and the mexican external politics of human rights: an...
Identities and social strategy in the transnational arena. The case of social movement...
Electoral Gender Quotas and Female Descriptive Representation in the Lower Houses...
Ideology and Governance: participatory policies in the Brazilian Workers' Party ...
From popular power to the petista way of governing: changings in the meaning of particiaption...
Spatial patterns of education provision within municipalities: the metropolitan region...
The limits the State, democracy and legal debate in Oliveira Vianna and Raymundo...
Segregation and access to public policies in São Paulo
Results: Displaying 10 of 580 on page 9 of 58