Social History
Results: Displaying 10 of 1530 on page 130 of 153
"Inform to prevent. Act to suppress": Political repression to São Paulo's student...
Soccer and Visual Culture: the construction of the figure of the crack. Marcos Carneiro...
The Anhanguera Athletic Association and floodplain soccer in São Paulo city (192...
The Advanced Military Studies Center (Peru) and the National War College (Brazil)...
Araucaria de Chile (1978-1990): the chilean intellectuality in exile
Kunta Kinte between history and fiction: slavery, African American identity and the...
The big event: history, memory and identity in Holocaust miniseries
The process of scholarization of children and youths from the settlement Pirituba...
The construction of a Brazilian national identity by foreing views (1808-1822)
Medical debates about epidemics of yellow fever in Campinas (1889-1890)
Results: Displaying 10 of 1530 on page 130 of 153