Social History
Results: Displaying 10 of 1530 on page 142 of 153
Saints, heroes or demons? About the relations between indians, jesuits and settlers...
Nem cidadãos, nem brasileiros: indígenas na formação do Estado nacional brasileiro...
'So that my life does not run in vain': family (mis)adventures and their strategies...
The instrumentalization of Ordo Fratrum Minorum as one of the elements of liturgic...
The persecution of the Vocational Education Service of the State of São Paulo (1...
Napoleon viewed by the king's telescope: construction and political uses of the french...
From sword to eagle: symbolical construction of power and political legitimation...
"Blind is the one who only sees the ball". Football in São Paulo and the formation...
Interpretations of Mexican Revolution: the analysis of José Carlos Mariátegui, Tristán...
Tom Jobim and the modern Brazilian popular music - the years 1950/60
Results: Displaying 10 of 1530 on page 142 of 153