Social History
Results: Displaying 10 of 1532 on page 147 of 154
Beyond the fields: oral life history of black players in brazilian soccer (1970-...
An history of drugs in Brazil
Oral history and documentary: comparing Edifício Master (Eduardo Coutinho, 2002)...
Railway Heritage as Technoculture: the Railway Workshops of Companhia Paulista de...
The free and open internet as an ideology: the net neutrality debate in Brazil and...
The technoutopia of free software: a history of the GNU's technical and political...
The Fazenda Geral of the Jesuits and the monopoly of the passage of Cubatão 1553...
The art craft of the historian: Foucault and the invention of the panopticon
Transposing the Iron Curtain: Brazilian travel writings to the Soviet Union in the...
Yes, we have Coca-Cola: the ideal of American abundance on the Northeastern table...
Results: Displaying 10 of 1532 on page 147 of 154