Compared Studies of Portuguese Language Literature
Results: Displaying 10 of 392 on page 20 of 40
Collective and Family Memory in K. by Bernardo Kucinski and I am Still Here [Ainda...
Angolan readers, assorted readings: a look at Angola's literature in post-indepe...
The (mis)directions of the nation: a comparative study of space in Sleepwalking land...
Set of romances of brazilian black authors (1859-2006): the holding of history and...
Literary paths of Carolina Maria de Jesus: marginal experience and aesthetic con...
Childhood and Marginality in Literature: comparative analysis between works Capitães...
A curve to the left: autofiction na alterity in the trilogy Os filhos de Próspero...
Paths of fiction produced by Cape Verdean women: Orlanda Amarilis, Aida Ivone and...
How a 'sex ofender' says 'I love you' masculinity in João Vêncio: os seus amores
Africanism: dead and ancestry in Ponciá Vicencio and A river called time, a house...
Results: Displaying 10 of 392 on page 20 of 40