Translation Studies
Results: Displaying 10 of 42 on page 1 of 5
Roald Dahl: the reinvention of traditional tales
Towards an anatomy of a Corpus under occupation: Iraqi Literature voiced by Sinan...
Commented translation of Guy de Maupassant poet
Oh, the Seussian neologisms you'll read! - Dr. Seuss' creativity in translation into...
Productive labor and reproductive labor in Women's voices in L.M. Alcott's Little...
Comparable dictionary (Portuguese-French) of textual genre: scientific article
The translation of Hiberno-English and other cultural markers in Castle Rackren...
Bïa Krieger translator: three Chico Buarque songs in french
Translating without translating": a study of Jacques Brault's "non-translation
Poetics of translation: the poetry of E. E. Cummings recreated
Results: Displaying 10 of 42 on page 1 of 5