Applied Human Nutrition
Results: Displaying 10 of 163 on page 10 of 17
The tasty and the healthy: an analysis of the use of health claims in food labeling...
Analysis on the evolution of nutritional indicators in school feeding of public municipal...
The selenium and thyroid gland: a study in patients with thyroid dysfunction in the...
The eating habits of adolescents in a state school in São Paulo
Iron-fortified rice intake and anemia control
Uni and multivariate analysis in the evaluation of the nutritional status of water...
Nutritional evaluation and associated factors in Brazilian Air Force personnel in...
Physical exercise dependence in gym clubs and its interface with supplementation...
Validity and reproducibility of a food frequency questionnaire based on the food...
Difficulties and obstacles to Food and Nutritional Security of students with special...
Results: Displaying 10 of 163 on page 10 of 17