Applied Human Nutrition
Results: Displaying 10 of 163 on page 11 of 17
Tools improvement for data compilation: Brazilian Food Composition Table (TBCA-U...
Food consumption by children from 2 to 6 years old relating to fluoride, in the district...
Socio cognitive determinants of brazilian adolescents fruit and vegetables intake:...
Nutritional strategies in the management of Alzheimer's disease: systematic review...
Factors related to expenses with indicators to healthy and unhealthy diets: the role...
Agreement of points system to control serum lipids and cholesterol levels
Determinants of Quality of Working Life of the administrative staff of the University...
Associated factors to eating disorder risk behavior in average and long distance...
PRO198LEU polymorphism in the gene for the selenium-dependent antioxidant enzyme...
Food and nutrition safety: a study of the Municipal Food Bank of Diademas contri...
Results: Displaying 10 of 163 on page 11 of 17