Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment in Cardiovascular Medicine
Results: Displaying 10 of 45 on page 1 of 5
Critical analysis of the appropriate use criteria for cardiac radionuclide imaging...
Predictors of atrial remodeling in patients with sleep apnea: analysis of electrocardiographic...
Left atrial function analysis in patients with functional mitral regurgitation associated...
Acute kidney injury in post-operatory cardiac surgery: incidence, risk factors and...
Risk score for clinically relevant postoperative bleeding in coronary artery bypass...
Cardiac magnetic resonance in the atrial evaluation of the athlete's heart
The impact of previous coronary angioplasty on coronary artery bypass grafting: hospital...
Heart Rate influence on myocardial deformation evaluated by echocardiography
Late outcome of biological versus mechanical aortic valve prosthesis
Durability after transcatheter aortic bioprosthesis implantation: incidence and predictors...
Results: Displaying 10 of 45 on page 1 of 5