Sistemas Complejos
Resultados: Listando 10 de 87 en la página 3 de 9
Analysis of the emergence of urban occupation centers by Complex Systems Approac...
Complex networks and the study of systemic risk on financial system
The study of multifractal properties of financial time series
Artificial Epistemic Communities: the role of trust in the scientific community
Origins and evolution of hereditary material inequality: a Complex Adaptive Systems...
Supervised learning for modeling the trend of Brazilian stocks intraday price based...
The influence of network centrality on the innovation diffusion process
Stochastic binary models for gene expression: a comparative analysis of noise properties...
Proposal of a Market model using multi-agent systems
Analysis of the Economic Complexity Index based on Brazilian Mesoregion Export and...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 87 en la página 3 de 9