Teoría y Historia de la Arquitectura y del Urbanismo
Resultados: Listando 10 de 246 en la página 8 de 25
The COHAB-RP role in the production Ribeirão Preto (SP) urban space
Urbanization and railway: questions of the urban form in Juiz de Fora from 1870 to...
The Courtyards of Lucio Costa and the Jesuits in the SPHAN3 of the Vargas Era (1...
The cross and the court in the architecture of the Jesuits in Brazil: a photographic...
The japanese in the Liberdade neighborhood-SP in the first half of the twentieth...
Heritage Education: participative process of identification of cultural references...
Appropriation of space by residents of the governmental housing estates in Viços...
Industrialization and Development in São Carlos in decades of 1930 a9160
Critical investigations on tactical urbanism: [in]congruences and disputes
Large-scale housing production in São Paulo and Buenos Aires: the state apparatus...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 246 en la página 8 de 25