Teoría y Historia de la Arquitectura y del Urbanismo
Resultados: Listando 10 de 247 en la página 9 de 25
Housing projects as modern city projects: the housing of the IAP in Great São Paulo...
Dialogues between Luís Saia's practice of restoration and restoration theories: São...
Housing, city and countryside: segregation indexes and their spatial patterns
City and literary form: urban representation in the Brazilian contemporary liter...
Hygiene and housing. Control of building practice in Campinas: 1880-1934
The technical and professional culture of designers of colonization cities in northern...
Production of city urban contemporary: repercussions morphological and lots of condominiums...
Women in graffiti: practice perspectives in a metropolitan context
London calling: the role of culture and creativity in the management of a city b...
Public spaces of leisure and city: developments in Belém-PA, the case of Orla Portal...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 247 en la página 9 de 25