Estadística y Experimentación Agronómica
Resultados: Listando 10 de 480 en la página 4 de 48
Temporal and spatial diffusion in epidemics systems
Planning and analysis of the partially balanced incomplete block design with two...
Probability distributions as a base for statistical analysis, sampling and handling...
One approach to analyzing data with repeated measures using linear mixed models
Identification of risk factors associated with diarrhea and growth of nursing pigs...
An extension of the AID technique in generalized linear models
Modeling for probability of fruiting in Arabica coffee based on occupancy metame...
Parameters estimation of beta bivariate distribution: applications in disease severity...
Models for non-equidispersed counting data with application to ecology and longitudinal...
Models for count data with overdispersion: application in an agronomic experimen...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 480 en la página 4 de 48