Microbiología Agrícola
Resultados: Listando 10 de 376 en la página 2 de 38
Bacteria in water supply from Piracicaba city
Bacterial specie and sample temperature influence on the reductase test for milk...
The host genotype and environmental conditions as modulators of the associated bacterial...
Bacterial diversity and biogeography from Atlantic Forest trees phyllosphere, bark...
Differencial expression of quitinases and catalases in beans roots colonized by Glomus...
Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza in sugarcane
Chemical studies of antifungic compounds from Solanum lycopersicum against Moniliophthora...
Characterization of rice straw decomposition and obtention of cellulose decomposing...
Growth of rangpur lime (<i>Citrus limonia</i> Osbeck) as influenced by...
Taxonomy, genomics and functional potential of the cyanobacteria Oxynema CENA135
Resultados: Listando 10 de 376 en la página 2 de 38