Ciencia de los Animales y Forrajes
Resultados: Listando 10 de 658 en la página 2 de 66
Identification of selection signatures involved in performance traits in a paternal...
Arterial concentration and mammary gland uptake of metabolites and ClA concentration...
Grazing management and nitrogen effects on agronomic and nutritive value responses...
Forage accumulation, plant-part composition, and nutritive value of Mulato II brachiariagrass...
Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia responses due to associations between fertilization...
Feed intake and efficiency of growing cattle
Production responses and gene expression induced by ractopamine feeding duration...
Ractopamine, chromium-methionine and their combinations as metabolism modifier feed...
Agronomic characteristics of perennial peanut genotypes in response to intensity...
Feed efficiency traits in Santa Inês sheep under genomic approaches
Resultados: Listando 10 de 658 en la página 2 de 66