Ciencia de los Animales y Forrajes
Resultados: Listando 10 de 656 en la página 61 de 66
The use of byproducts in supplementation of finishing steers during dry season
Feed efficiency and its relationships with profitability, carcass characteristics...
Investigation of polymorphisms of myogenic factors and myostatin genes as molecular...
Effect of growth hormone on lipolytic system of bovines: activity avaliation of hormone...
Different growth after a period of feed restriction alter meat quality attributes...
Sources of fat alters performance and metabolism of dairy cows grazing a tropical...
Effect of protease supplementation on pig digestibility and performance in the pre-initial...
Imputation of microsatellite alleles from SNP haplotypes for parental verification...
Ground cottonseed fed to feedlot lambs
Age at weaning for production of feedlot lambs
Resultados: Listando 10 de 656 en la página 61 de 66